forestry solutions
DIELMO has extensive experience developing algorithms to automate forest inventories or measure various forestry parameters using LiDAR data.
We work for forest engineering companies, research centers, and data capture companies that prefer to delegate the generation of final products to a specialized external company.

maps of forestry parameters
Using LiDAR data, we can estimate forestry parameters such as forest density, average height, canopy cover, etc.

automatic forest inventory
Together with UCLM and Naturtec, we have developed the Aid-Forest software, which allows for automatic characterization of the forest.

real measurement of diameters and volume
With terrestrial LiDAR data and the use of AI, we can automatically and accurately measure the diameter and volume of tree trunks.

data survey
All types of geospatial data capture services: Surveying, airborne sensors (airplane, helicopter, drone), terrestrial (car, on foot).

fuel models
Using the three-dimensional structure of the forest and LiDAR data, we can automatically generate fuel model maps.

forest 3D structure
We can customize algorithms that use the three-dimensional structure of the forest to measure different forestry parameters.

AID-Forest is a new solution for forest inventory. Combined with the appropriate terrestrial laser scanner, it’s a complete solution for automatic forest inventory.

400 - 3000 min/ha
(2 persons needed)
(field work)

12 - 30 min/ha
(1 persons needed)
+ automatic computing time with AID-Forest

key points
- AID-FOREST can measure the diameter at breast height and stem volume (statistically unbiased).
- Tree detectability is over 97% despite the ecosystem visual
complexity. According to this research article. - Totally automatic software.
- Can processes very large amounts of LiDAR data.
- Uses Artificial Intelligence to detect the trees.

scientific article in which we participated
In September 2022 the prestigious international journal “International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation” has published the scientific article “Artificial intelligence-based software (AID-FOREST) for tree detection: A new framework for fast and accurate forest inventorying using LiDAR point clouds”
results of AID-Forest
- Tree detectability was over 97% despite the ecosystem visual complexity.
- Underestimated the DBH (tree diameter) by 0.16%
- Overestimated the Volume by 1.37%
100% automatic, according to this research article

how to use AID-Forest
AID-Forest is fully automatic. You only have to select an input folder with the unclassified LiDAR data and the path to the output files. It is also possible to customize the processing parameters and launch it by command line.
results at plot level

results at compartment level: