
3D design and LiDAR classification for high voltage network in France

1200 km LiDAR and very high detail 3d design for transmission / high voltage network

Utility mapping in France

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DIELMO3D participates in the study and modeling of high voltage networks in France and Europe for maintenance since 2015. 1200km of LiDAR images and data acquired by helicopter have been classified and used for a 3D modeling of the lines (main and secondary) and later PLS-CADD simulation of the electrical network in very high detail.

LiDAR classification project and 3D design of electrical network, planimetry and land use of the area of influence for transmission networks (high voltage). From LiDAR data and images obtained from a helicopter, the objective is to identify all the elements and create a high precision 3-D mapping for the subsequent study and analysis of the transmission power line. With this type of complete solutions from A to Z and high precision, the engineering companies have a quality base product that allows them to study the current situation of the network, as well as to simulate and identify subsequent actions to be carried out.

Main products obtained for this project:

  • High detail LiDAR classification of the main and secondary networks (voltages, towers, crossings, and tower types).
  • Vectorization and 3D modeling of the line of study and secondary lines (crossings and parallels) for implementation in PLS-CADD.
  • Detailed LiDAR classification of the urban and rural environment (walls, chimneys, antennas, street lights, urban furniture, etc.).
  • Planimetry 2D, at 1:500 scale of the study area
  • Land Uses.
  • Comprehensive quality control.

Looking to the future: Development of geoportals for the study of LiDAR power lines

In addition to the generation of risk mapping and results, DIELMO 3D provides customized reports generated automatically for each cable section, as well as a private web platform (geoPortal) where you can access the information of each pole and cable section of the network, as well as visualize in 3D the cloud of points of the area to study in question. Because the results are in the same platform, the customer can access the data of the year you want and make comparisons to study the evolution in the short and medium term.

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